Cleaning between teeth: the secret behind a truly healthy smile
When you think about maintaining a healthy mouth, brushing your teeth should be the top priority. Twice daily tooth brushing with a fluoride toothpaste is the cornerstone to a healthy smile, but there is one simply addition that can truly transform how healthy your mouth is – and that is inter-dental cleaning.
While tooth brushing is the most effective way to keep your teeth clean, it only reaches 60% of the tooth’s surfaces. Using inter-dental brushes to clean in between the gaps in your teeth is one of the easiest and most important things you can do to change the health of your smile for the better.
That is why, as part of National Smile Month, the Oral Health Foundation has joined with TePe to give you the very best advice about this simple addition to your oral health routine.
Why inter-dental cleaning is so important
Dental plaque can build up between the teeth where a toothbrush cannot get to.
Over time, this can lead to tooth decay, gum inflammation and bad breath. To prevent this from happening it is a good idea to use an inter-dental brush as part of your daily cleaning routine.
An interdental brush is a small brush specially designed to clean between your teeth, where a regular toothbrush does not reach. Daily use of an interdental brush, in addition to regular tooth brushing, is an easy and effective way to keep your gums and teeth fresh and healthy.
We recommend cleaning between your teeth every day, to keep your mouth fresh and healthy.
When you first start cleaning between your teeth, your gums may feel a bit sore and might bleed but do not stop because bleeding gums are often a sign of gum inflammation. If you do not notice an improvement within a few days, contact your dental professional.
Picking the right size
Interdental brushes come in many different sizes, and it can be difficult to know which one is most suitable for your mouth.
For the best advice, ask a dental professional for their recommendation. In the meantime, here are a few tips to get you started....
How to use interdental brushes
To get the most out of interdental cleaning is all about the correct technique. The good news is that using interdental brushes is relatively easy to pick-up. Once mastered, it is a healthy habit that will last a lifetime.
1. Use a straight interdental brush between the front teeth
Insert the brush gently between the teeth. Do not force the brush into a space; work it in gently or choose a smaller size.
Move the interdental brush full length back and forth a few times.
2. If using a small interdental brush on the back teeth
If using a small interdental brush (TePe’s pink, orange, red or blue brushes) you can curve the soft neck slightly. By adding pressure with your finger, it makes it easier to reach between the back teeth. Or try a long handled interdental brush like the TePe Angle™
3. If using a bigger interdental brush on the back teeth
When using interdental brushes of a larger size, access between the back teeth may be improved if you slightly curve the wire. The interdental brush will last longer if you do not straighten or bend the brush at another angle.
Take control of your oral health during National Smile Month
At its heart, National Smile Month is all about learning what we can do to have a clean and healthy mouth. By being aware of what we can do to develop and maintain good oral health, we can change our life for the better.
Please download and share this new infographic on social media. It’s a great introduction to interdental brushing – the most effective way you can clean between your teeth.
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